Household chores can burn Your Calories

Housewives have it a lot easier today than they did years ago. Today's homemaker has more time to devote to the important thing in her life-largely due to the availability of servants and the multitude of conveniences which became more available to us in the past two decades. In Asian countries the use of electrical gadgets like the blenders and choppers, have replaced the traditional things for mincing purposes. In the rural areas of subcontinent these traditional gadget like motor and pastel  are used even in this era. 
In the urban areas woman are available for all kinds of jobs. Life has become much easier on a house wife. But besides saving us time and energy, our kitchen saves us a lot of calories we could afford to lose! Saving hundred calories a day on house work means an added pound by the end of the month. Taking out time to start a game like tennis, squash, etc., or even an exercise like swimming, which can keep you fit is best thing that can happen to you. The household chores can burn up to six hundred calories an hour if you pick up the right ones and do them at the right no-nonsense pace, following are some very useful tips for burning more calories:
Walk a mile: A mile of brisk walking in the evening will burn  up the calories you had at lunch. It also gets you out in the fresh air and reduce stress.
Be creative: Find a calisthenic you can do with each household chore. The best time is when you are standing at the sink doing the dishes, peeling potatoes or chopping vegetables. Do a bump and grind: pull in buttocks muscles as hard as you can, then let them go. Then pull them again and relax. Alternate this with tummy tightening. Put on the music if you like.
Dusting and washing: Find time to do dusting of the entire house. Wash your clothes and hang them straining all the water. An extra five pounds around your ankles, wrist, arm and thighs speeds calorie burning by 30% to 50% and increases spot pound reduction while you clean floor. Watch your posture all time; Standing, sitting, lying etc.
Stand straight, sit straight and lie down flat. Use a thin single pillow while sleeping to avoid double chin. I think these tips might help you in burning calories. These steps are very simple and easy to follow.


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